Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What can the Ferguson Riots teach us About Ourselves and the Flower of Life?

Image: Rioters surround a Saint Louis County Police cruiser as the city of Ferguson and the whole U.S. reacts to a grand jury’s decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.
“Folk caught up in a riot aren't our cousins and sisters, our brothers and uncles. They are part of a big animal with many arms and claws, armed with stones and sticks.”
~ Tamora Pierce, Terrier
Yesterday’s decision by the grand jury not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown set of a firestorm of controversy and protest across the United States. In Ferguson itself, the anger and outrage intensified and the usual angry mob mentality was set loose on the town.

Riots, looting, burning police cars and businesses. It’s all over the news and the Internet. As is the outrage over the decision, discussions of racism and inequality, violence and acceptable use of force, law enforcement the reasonable expectations placed on officers facing possible harm, etc.

Genesis Eco Fund is not here to debate any of those issues. We leave that to the masses and the pundits. What we are here to do is extract practical knowledge that everyone can use—knowledge about ourselves, each other, how we interrelate on a fundamental level, and how our awareness of those foundational interrelationships can lead to strategies for living a more balanced, harmonious life.

In the Eye of the Storm

We all know what it’s like to “get caught up in” the moment. Be it at a rock concert, a party, a family gathering, or any group dynamic, we’ve felt ourselves “sucked into” as state of elation, excitement, laughter, anger (or even rage), fear, sadness or any number of emotional states.

If our emotional state resulted in us behaving in a certain way which we later regretted, we might even have chalked is up as “in the heat of the moment,” or “a victim of mob mentality.” But what was really going on with us? Truly, we were caught in a maelstrom of energy.   

Image: In the eye of the storm: Electromagnetic Field Vortex 

Recent research has shown the energy field of the heart, our emotional centre, to be 100,000 times stronger electrically and 5,000 times stronger magnetically than that of the brain, or intellectual centre.

Physics demonstrates that a change in our electromagnetic field causes transformation at the atomic level. Our electromagnetic field reflects our emotional state; and, the state of others’ electromagnetic fields can affect our electromagnetic field…affect our state.

Video: Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence and how electromagnetic fields generated by the heart (emotional energy fields) interact.

If we observe ourselves during moments of emotional confrontation with another, we can actually feel ourselves affected, influenced by their state, as shown in the above excellent video by the Institute of HeartMath. The more sensitive we are, the more likely it is we will be affected.

Quite simply, we are experiencing interference patterns from a “negatively charged” electromagnetic field. The flow of energy is of a certain frequency reflecting the emotional state of one individual interferes with the frequency of another and thus emotional state of another. Pretty simple, really, and something anyone can observe and experience directly, consciously, if they pay attention.

Image: Interface between electromagnetic fields. 

But this still doesn’t explain mob mentality. After all, are we not still all individuals? How is it that one person’s negative energy can interfere with the electromagnetic field of hundreds of people? The answer is simple, and something known to humans thousands of years ago, expressed in the symbol of the flower of life.

Video: How electromagnetic fields (torus) compound each other to create powerful morphogenetic fields, shown in “the flower of life.” 

In the above video taken from the documentary film Thrive, we see how torus, the shape of our electromagnetic field, compound one another in 3-dimensional space to produce a larger morphogenetic field magnitudes larger and more powerful than the electromagnetic field of any individual. Any new individual entering the larger field is affected by the state of the field, which in turn reflects the state of all individuals within it. The cascading effect from one individual to another compounds and the whole larger field begins to exert a tremendous power over the individuals caught within it.

This is why, for instance, completely law-abiding citizens can find themselves committing crimes in a mob they would never have done as an individual. The overarching electromagnetic field has them; their individual emotional state is being defined by the morphogenetic field.

This is how the planet’s electromagnetic field is partly created. All things which have an electromagnetic field are part of the megaorgansim of the planet. Its various ecosystems being superorganisms, themselves having morphogenetic fields made up of electromagnetic fields of individual organisms.

Image: Electromagnetic field of the planet 

The Good News from Ferguson

What’s true for riots fed by anger, frustration, hear, rage and other negative emotions, is equally true for peace, love, compassion, empathy, harmony and other positive emotions.

What’s more, anyone who has spent any time in nature knows this is the case. When we immerse ourselves in the morphogenetic field of a beautiful natural environment, we feel, immediately, the calming, soothing, peaceful, harmonious, loving state of that natural environment.

The power of nature to heal us emotionally and physically is related directly to this energetic influence over our electromagnetic field. Our field may be charged negatively, according to our state, but an ecosystem functions on collective harmony and symbiosis. Nature is love.

And so, indoor ecosystems, like those produced by PeapodLife, create spaces of love.

Image: An ecosystem 

Ecosystems are never negatively charged, unless they are dying.  But ecosystems are designed for sustainability, adaptability and longevity. It takes a shift in the larger electromagnetic field of the planet for an ecosystem to die—the ravages of human stupidity notwithstanding.

Regardless, one can see how beneficial it would be to have such an overarching positively charged morphogenetic field in one’s life—home, workplace, school, healing centre, etc.

Imagine what it would be like to be able to feel the same way you do when you go up north, camping, skiing, or to a tropical paradise…without having to go anywhere? Imagine the benefits to humanity if they began living in Advanced Human Habitat—advanced habitat for humans; habitat for advanced humans.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Easily Climate Change
is Lost on “Rational People”

Image: “Red Tide” The production and distribution of carbon dioxide has never looked so beautiful -- or so disturbing. 
Video Screenshot by Michael Francco/CNET 

Today I saw and re-posted a NASA video showing a year in the life of the planet’s carbon dioxide concentration, movement, etc. I didn’t say anything about it…just re-posted it because I thought it was interesting and telling. See for yourself:

Video: NASA | A Year in the Life of Eaeth’s CO2 

No sooner did I post this video to my timeline, than a friend of mine chimed in with how “deceptive” the video was because map projections of this kind are distorted.

Image: A Miller cylindrical projection maps the globe onto a cylinder.   
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map_projection

He then posted this image of a Goode homolosine projection overlaid on top of NASA’s map to show just how significant the distortion (and deception) was:

Image: More accurate map of the world overlaid NASA’s CO2 map

This is the kind of knee-jerk intellectual reaction which damns the whole global warming movement (and other long-range environmental, economic and socio-political threats), on the basis of distorted or deceptive messaging, as if the choice of map was made to specifically make global warming seem worse (and not the simple reason that such digital projections are able to show movement around the globe.

Okay, in all fairness maybe NASA should have used a Mollweide projection:

Image: Sea-surface freon levels measured by the Global Ocean Data Analysis Project. Projected using the Mollweide projection.

But from the perspective of anyone “on the fence” of climate change, what was probably just an arbitrary decision / choice based on available technology, satellite imagery, or software interpolation, becomes an instant conspiracy theory that potentially calls into question the whole problem of climate change! And of course, their mind quickly and easily pieces together that perfectly rational explanation.

In response to all this hoopla about distorted maps and secret NASA agendas to overblow the climate change issue, I posted the following image in response, with the explanation that atmospheric carbon is NOT the whole picture. The oceans are acting as a giant carbon sink, and the effect it is having on corals (the nurseries, incubators and hatcheries of the ocean food chain...OUR seafood chain) is absolutely DEVASTATING.

Image: “Ocean acidification is a reduction in surface ocean pH levels due to the increasing absorption of carbon dioxide. When CO2 dissolves in water, carbonic acid is formed. The saturation of carbonic acid decreases the ability of many marine organisms to build and maintain their shells and skeletal structures.” Source: http://ecocidealert.com/?tag=ocean-acidification

My point being this: THE MORE RED ON NASA’S MAP, THE BETTER!

To this, my friend replied that while my “desire for action is to be commended, it should not be built on deception.”

And this is how easy it is for the ego-intellect to dismiss anything. We see it all the time. Materialist scientists denying metaphysical phenomenon because there is no physical evidence to support it; doctors dismissing entire bodies of research because they do not value “anecdotal evidence;” Judges throwing out cases because someone forgot to “dot an i” or “cross a t” etc.

This tendency to dismiss that which doesn’t match exactly, or discounting the deeper broader essence of a situation based on some minor technical detail is called “A-Type” thinking by some, “perfectionism” by others, but at its core it’s obsession with accuracy… with “the facts” and “exactitude”…with “being right.” This obsession of ego-intellect is akin to a computer’s inability to surmise what a user wants it to do. Unless you know EXACTLY what buttons to push, when to push them, etc. you are stuck. Why? BECAUSE IT IS A DUMB MACHINE.

Wait a minute…do we sense a contradiction here?  Yes SENSE…feel…you know, those things that make us human?

How is it that the intellect most resembles a stupid machine when most asserts its “correctness?” The contradiction is real; is absolute. One cannot deny the inflexible mind is more machine-like in its processing. After all, like a machine, it can only “accept” inputs which “compute.”

Is this the path to deepening our connection with humanity? What about our connection with nature?

As my friend’s reaction to NASA’s video illustrated, his mind jumped to the inaccuracy of the map, and therefore loss of credibility of the information, questioning the reality of the situation being illustrated, etc. In short, the plight of the planet was “trumped” by the need for “accurate” depiction of said plight.

But humans exaggerate EVERYTHING. It’s called DRAMATIC EFFECT. We not only tell stories, we live them. And the reason we use drama, hyperbole, metaphor, symbolism, allegory, etc. is to put emphasis where it is needed…ON THE POINT…and to penetrate the machinations of ego-mind and try to reach their CONSCIENCE…their HEART.

To have an enhanced connection with humanity or nature requires something a computer or machine completely lacks…CONSCIOUSNESS. And, by the fact of observation, so too does ego-intellect completely lack consciousness. Conscience. We know this because of its obsession with correctness, with being right, and its limitations of understanding only those inputs which “compute,” exactly as a computer…which was made in the image of ego-intellect. Binary thinking: right or wrong, black or white, yes or no, us or them, on or off…1/0.

I’ll close today’s article with another video. I am curious what my friend would have to say about the subject matter and whether or not the cause being discussed is deceptive or not.

Video: ฉันไม่เคยรู้มาก่อน - มูลนิธิเพื่อสุนัขในซอย ( Soi Dog Foundation ) 

The bottom line is this: the point, the essence of life DOES NOT EXIST IN THE MIND…it is not an equation, or a computer program, or something which the intellect can put in a box and say “this is it to the exclusion of everything else.” The essence of nature, of humanity, is in a space the intellect cannot understand, but the consciousness can comprehend. It is this space that gives rise to beauty, compassion, love, altruism, generosity and all the good aspects of humanity…all the faculties completely at odds with the self-interested machinations of ego-intellect.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Consumer Product Companies:
Charmingly Fresh or Naturally Deceptive?

“The art of pleasing is the art of deception.”
~ Luc de Clapiers
“The art of pleasing is the art of deception.”
~ Luc de Clapiers

The issue of product labelling is not a new one. Packaged goods companies have resisted the use of honest straightforward language in advertising and on product labels for decades.

The whole controversy around GMO labelling of products is the episode of the legal language merry-go-round. And it’s not our intention to get into that debate here. Rather, we want to focus on some of the more “benign” and sneaky uses of language which permeate the consumer landscape.

The above video shows just how clever and slippery companies are about the use of terms which have very specific definitions. Without being redundant, it’s our belief that companies using the term “fresh” this loosely to describe their products are far from being endearingly “fresh” (as in when a man or woman is being forward, flirtatious or bold).

There’s another favourite catch-all word for marketers: “natural,” “all natural,” “naturally,” etc. Combined with beautiful graphics of plants, animals, landscapes, water and of course the ubiquitous colour “GREEN,” the result is a plethora of products with lousy labels.

So pervasive is the practice of misleading or outright deceptive marketing, advertising and packaging of so-called “environmentally, wholesome, holistic” products that a whole new term was coined to describe the practice: GREENWASHING.

Image: What would Andy Warhol say about Campbell’s Greenwashed Soup?

Why do they do it? Why do companies insist on misleading and deceptive labelling, especially when it comes to trying to improve the impression of their product as fresh, natural, healthy, eco-friendly, etc? Is it possible that they’re just naturally deceptive…but downright pathological?

Video: THE CORPORATION [6/23] The Pathology of Commerce

We’ll leave the ultimate judgment in your hands. But judge wisely…with your dollar and your voice. Otherwise, the power will naturally remain in the hands of the pathologically deceptive.