Thursday, July 31, 2014

“We Are from the Future” has some Interesting Ideas about Plant Photosynthesis

Video: “We are from the Future” by Upriser
“plants harvest light with near perfect efficiency, but this is impossible under classical physics”
The message on looms ominously, complete with a countdown timer:


But far from a kind of doomsday clock, this website (and subsequent video “message,” above) is more like a “threat of positivity” (if there is such a thing).

As Al Qaeda and others release videotaped messages periodically, laying down their plans, manifestos, etc., the group behind appears to be doing something similar. Similarly subversive, albeit with far less blatant violence, hatred, and calls for bloodshed against any identifiable “enemy.”

But it works. We prefer the first half of the video, with the soundtrack provided by Hans Zimmer; but, we recognize how the second half speaks to a different—possibly younger and/or more “hip”—audience. (Gosh, are we that old!?)

Image: Screenshot, We Are From the Future Countdown 

But the purpose of sharing this video today is to discuss what appears to be one of the main thrusts of its message: light; specifically, how plants convert it to energy via photosynthesis with near perfect efficiency.

We all studied photosynthesis in high school (don’t roll your eyes: you did too, even if you were half asleep or scribbling love notes to your high school crush at the time). But the video makes an interesting argument: how is it that plants are able to use light so efficiently, when the laws of physics more or less prohibit it? The answer, as it turns out, comes from some actual quantum theory:
"Energy transfer in light-harvesting macromolecules is assisted by specific vibrational motions of the chromophores," said Alexandra Olaya-Castro (UCL Physics & Astronomy), supervisor and co-author of the research. "We found that the properties of some of the chromophore vibrations that assist energy transfer during photosynthesis can never be described with classical laws, and moreover, this non-classical behaviour enhances the efficiency of the energy transfer." "The negative values in these probability distributions are a manifestation of a truly quantum feature, that is, the coherent exchange of a single quantum of energy," explained Edward O'Reilly (UCL Physics & Astronomy), first author of the study. "When this happens electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom are jointly and transiently in a superposition of quantum states, a feature that can never be predicted with classical physics."
Credit: UCL News: Quantum mechanics explains efficiency of photosynthesis Source:
Now, at Genesis Eco Fund, we’re all about the cutting edge quantum mechanics, especially as it attempts to explain the incredible power of plants. We wonder, however, if this isn’t a good time to bring up consciousness.

Many of the proponents of consciousness often bring up quantum mechanics and the so-called observer effect (that the very act of observation of a particular quantum particle changes its state or behavior versus non-observation of it).

Any connection in the “consciousness field” overrides classical physics. Of course, because consciousness is not a product of material reality. Consciousness is primary (as we have discussed and shared before). Here’s an abridged reminder:

Video: The Primacy of Consciousness (Excerpted) 

So what does this all mean?

Consciousness, as we know (or rather, should know) has qualities. Conscience is one of them. Imagination, superior intelligence (the superior intelligence of knowing without thinking; without reason—but not necessarily without observation or imagination) are others.

Plants have consciousness. And so does light. And because both light and consciousness are not a part of the physical universe (the three dimensional plane) but of more subtle levels of reality (the superior dimensions), they do not abide by the laws of physical nature. In this way, physical materialist science (classical physics) breaks down and we get the observations of quantum mechanics.

But that’s all they are: observations. The quantum theory is where it all breaks down because consciousness isn’t mechanical. Consciousness is, well, conscious! And because it is, trying to figure it out with something so primitive as the human intellect will not work.

It is through profound introspection and meditation—cultivation of consciousness itself—that increases our ability to comprehend on levels past the sensory and rational materialistic physical intellect.

It is on these superior levels of conscious interaction that ecosystems operate. They are not mechanical entities, but rather self-regulating super-organisms whose harmony and symbiosis are organized in consciousness—not the level of material reality which we observe.

“By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.”
~ Hebrews 11:3 

If we understand the symbol of “the word of God” as sound—vibration (frequency)—now things begin to make sense again, including from a quantum perspective. And, we can understand how the light can reach the “core”…as far as light is concerned, there is no “mindless matter” to run into.

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